Through ongoing collaboration, the CWP is fostering strong partnerships across Los Angeles County. Below is a list of regional partners whose boards have formally adopted the CWP and embraced in the collective vision for water resilience. Agencies and organizations are encouraged join in this valuable partnership by adopting the CWP. A sample resolution is available here, and County staff are available to present to any interested parties on the CWP to assist with collaborating on the regionwide effort.
To keep the public informed and engaged in this critical journey toward water resilience, the CWP Targets Tracking Dashboard has been launched. This tool serves as a vital visualization for tracking the progress of regional efforts to strengthen Los Angeles County’s water resources.
The dashboard provides latest available data for the CWP Targets A through P, empowering residents, communities, and local organizations to stay informed about the tangible steps being taken to build water resources sustainability.
We encourage you to explore the CWP dashboard, stay updated on the progress, and see how our region is working together towards the broader goals of improving water resiliency.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Los Angeles County Water Plan (CWP). Following an extensive participant-driven process, the plan was released for an extended public review period of 45 days, then finalized and presented to the Board for adoption on December 5, 2023.
Los Angeles County appreciates the input and contributions from the many interested parties and workgroup members who contributed to the plan. More than 200 agencies in Los Angeles County manage a complex network of water systems to meet the needs of the communities and environment. To achieve sustainability and resilience, cross-sector teamwork and a holistic approach to best leverage both natural systems and infrastructure are essential.
The CWP focuses on achieving regional water resilience through collaborative strategies throughout Los Angeles County. The vision of the CWP is to: "articulate a shared, inclusive, regional path forward to sustainably and equitably achieve safe, clean, and reliable water resources for Los Angeles County." Los Angeles County appreciates the continued support and collaboration from all interested parties in the region as we move forward.
The CWP is available here.
The Los Angeles County Water Plan (CWP) has been finalized after public review and will be considered for adoption by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on December 5, 2023. Following an extensive participant-driven process, the plan was released for an extended public review period of 45 days. Public comments were incorporated and are summarized here: Public Comments on Draft Targets, Strategies, and Actions
The Board meeting agenda can be viewed here. The final plan can be viewed here. Due to the strategic and conceptual nature of the CWP, any potential for environmental impacts is considered speculative at present. A complementary environmental evaluation is available here.
The CWP focuses on achieving regional water resilience through collaborative strategies throughout Los Angeles County. More than 200 agencies in Los Angeles County manage a complex network of water systems to meet the needs of the communities and environment. To achieve sustainability and resilience, cross-sector teamwork and a holistic approach to best leverage both natural systems and infrastructure are essential. The vision of the CWP is to: "articulate a shared, inclusive, regional path forward to sustainably and equitably achieve safe, clean, and reliable water resources for Los Angeles County."
The LA County Water Plan team appreciates the comments that have been submitted. Comments are currently under review.
The Los Angeles County Water Plan (CWP) has been released for public review. The public review period will run through September 18, 2023. The CWP focuses on achieving regional water resilience through collaborative strategies throughout Los Angeles County. More than 200 agencies in Los Angeles County manage a complex network of water systems to meet the needs of the communities and environment. To achieve sustainability and resilience, cross-sector teamwork and a holistic approach to best leverage both natural systems and infrastructure are essential. The vision of the CWP is, “The CWP articulates a shared, inclusive, regional path forward to sustainably achieve safe, clean, and reliable water resources for Los Angeles County.” The CWP is organized around a framework of targets and strategies, which are supported by specific actions. Targets measure collective progress toward the shared desired outcomes of the CWP. These targets are intended to help Los Angeles County achieve regional water resilience by 2045. Throughout the planning horizon, an interactive dashboard will track progress toward these targets. Strategies provide the overarching approaches to achieving the targets. Actions support the strategies and include specific steps to drive results, along with timing, responsible agencies, and potential participants.
The CWP effort began in May of 2020 and has involved 45 workshops and listening sessions with Tribes, technical experts, and interested parties.
Four focal areas describe shared desired outcomes, identified through discussions with numerous groups and individuals. The CWP provides an approach for achieving these desired outcomes through collaboration, and a platform for measuring progress.
The CWP can be accessed at Please submit your comments through the comment form: by Monday, September 18, 2023.